The average house price on HEMPSTEAD CLOSE is £117,862
The most expensive house in the street is 6 HEMPSTEAD CLOSE with an estimated value of £197,253
The cheapest house in the street is 7 HEMPSTEAD CLOSE with an estimated value of £68,810
The house which was most recently sold was 3 HEMPSTEAD CLOSE, this sold on 22 Sep 2023 for £105,000
The postcode for HEMPSTEAD CLOSE is TS17 9AR
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 HEMPSTEAD CLOSE Terraced £107,367 £105,000 22 Sep 2023
4 HEMPSTEAD CLOSE Terraced £89,238 £89,000 25 Jan 2023
6 HEMPSTEAD CLOSE Terraced £197,253 £40,000 19 Dec 1997
7 HEMPSTEAD CLOSE Terraced £68,810 £56,000 31 Jan 2020
8 HEMPSTEAD CLOSE Terraced £105,646 £100,000 18 Feb 2022
12 HEMPSTEAD CLOSE Semi-Detached £138,858 £117,500 8 Oct 2020